CSAC and Dean's Dugout welcomed Chicago Bear running back Kahlil Bell who arrived with his family for a signing. A great time was had by all and Kahlil proved to be a very sincere and humble guy which made the night even more special. Thanks to Dean's Dugout for hosting the signing and to Wayne at Sideline Marketing for all his help.
Our next signing is with Bear's Defensive End Nick Reed on Oct. 11th at The Baseball King!'s newly opened second store in Oak Lawn. Come on out and meet a Bear or better yet join CSAC at the All-Star or HOF level and get your autograph free!
We just wrapped our first signing at our store with CSAC and Kahill Bell and we had a total blast. Lots of new faces coming into the store and lots of smiling faces when they were leaving with their Bell autograph. All we can say from Dean's Dugout is if your thinking about teaming up with CSAC for a signing, don't think about it, just do it! The benefits are numerous for your store, for your customers and for all the new people that will get to know all about your store. Thanks Tony and thanks Kahlil, we had a great time and we'll be doing it again for sure.
Dean and Marilyn Bapes
Dean's Dugout
Naperville, Illinois